Achieving equitable sustainability is the grand challenge of the 21st century. This issue is profound and complex, necessitating bold and scalable solutions that leverage new technologies and encourage changes to social institutions and human behavior. We must use our resources more wisely and find new methods to reduce humanity's environmental impact. Additionally, it's crucial that these solutions are distributed fairly worldwide to prevent inequality and instability from leading to conflict and collapse.
Successful solutions require the connection of three streams of knowledge
Science & Technology
Economics & Policy
Social & Cultural Knowledge
Addressing the challenge of equitable sustainability requires three streams of knowledge generation:
Science & Technology — to generate innovative solutions
Economics & Policy — to craft financially and governmentally functional solutions
Social & Cultural Knowledge — to find solutions that work for our communities
Sustainable solutions exist at the convergence of these three streams of knowledge. Bringing these solutions to fruition requires effective collaboration with partners in business and government.